6 Reasons Why That Heartbreak Is The Best Thing That Happened To You

Note: Read the original article written by me 'here' on Zalora Community

Yes, it hurts. It hurts so damn much that you think you might be having a heart attack. You don't understand how it could possibly be this painful. How something that you can't see actually hurts so much. You don't get how anyone could ever survive this pain. It hurts so terribly. You think you might just go crazy from all the pain.

Well, let me tell you this:

You won't go insane. You are not getting a heart attack. And you will survive it, just like everyone else. Your heartbreak will be the best present that anyone has ever given you. My dear, welcome to life (no pun intended).

Here's why you should be grateful for that heartbreak:

1. You will be stronger than ever

The process of recovering from a break-up cannot be hastened nor rushed. The feeling of vulnerability and abandonment will pass. The heartache will most likely leave its mark on you, but you will get over it and you will conquer your fears like a warrior. You will become stronger, and it would have to take a tsunami to shake you the next time. Everyone around you will notice the difference in your aura. You will have a sense of confidence like never before.

2. You will learn how to love yourself

To heal from a heartache, it starts from oneself. I always believe that there is no one more worthy or capable of loving yourself other than you. Take the opportunity to devote yourself to you, yourself and no one else. Pamper yourself and get yourself whatever you want. Maybe a facial package, a new haircut, or some new clothes and pretty shoes. Think about it: when was the last time you took a good look in the mirror and told your reflection, "Hey beautiful, I think you are fantastic"?

3. You will re-discover yourself

You knew who you were with that person around, and now it is time to know who you are without him/her. It is time to uncover your true potential, and learn more about yourself. Fill your time with what interests you and update your list of likes and dislikes. It is okay if you discover that your lists of yay's and nay's are different from before. Embrace the change!

4. You will learn to make your own choices

Dance with your new-found best friend — autonomy. Remember how annoying those days were when you had to discuss every decision, no matter big or small, with your ex? Well, those days are gone. Now, you have complete control over everything you do. Start small by getting yourself a cup of ice cream and immerse in being able to choose the flavour by yourself. You don't have to consult the person over your shoulder if he/she is agreeable to it just because he/she might have a spoonful or two. You can pick any weird flavour that you want. Yes, any flavour!

5. You will learn how to be independent

Independence is a trait that many brag about but few actually possess. You will learn to be self-reliant, to be comfortable with having only your pair of feet leaving a trail in the sand. You will find that being alone does not translate to being lonely. You will learn how to entertain yourself. You will learn how to live a life of your own.

6. You will love the next person harder and fiercer

When you are ready, let go of that heartbreak and move on.

Life is a like a train ride, with its own cross-roads and detours. Stick with the ride, never give up, and ride till the end. One day you will reach the end of the ride, and by then you will heave a huge sigh of relief and feel glad that you held on. Life will open its next set of doors for you, and those doors will lead you to the next person that you will love fiercely without regrets.

Going through heartbreak? Or are you a survivor? Share your thoughts on how your heartbreak made you stronger in the Comments below.

Note: Read the original article written by me 'here' on Zalora Community

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