I love ice-skating. I love the beach. I love him.Have you ever experience the chill of a winter and the warmth of summer in one day?
Well.. I HAVE! :D
I went to the ice-skating rink and the beach on the exact same day.
It was
HOT HOT HOT!Ice world at Kallang was brilliant.
Considering for the fact that it's not as crowded as Jurong's Fuji Palace.
I didn't have to squeeze in between people and duck under people's arms while I was skating. So yes, it's good!
It's not really major shivering cold either,
but still... honey insist I wore his black hoodie that he brought especially for me or I'd catch a cold.
How could I not be a good little girl and listen to sweet caring honey? (:

2 hours of ice-skating can work up an appetite, so we went to get something to bite.
While we were at the eatery, we saw one of the ice-skating instructors,
who wore his skates down to the eatery!
Not to mention, he attracted quite a number of stares, including ours.
WHO WEARS THEIR ICE-SKATES TO AN EATERY?!?!? An ice-skating instructor. (Duh!)
After the eating and the window shopping, it was still
only 5.
So I had a cranky idea to go to the beach right at that moment.
Honey didn't disagree, instead he gave me a wide grin and a
"LET'S GO!" thumbs-up.
Gosh... I so gotta love him!
So so so!
OFF TO THE BEACH AT PASIR RIS!!Only to reach white sands and realise that we had no folly idea how to get to the beach :X
No worries though,
one phone call to Genevieve and we were back on our journey to the beach!
(GIRLFRIEND, I love you! Thanks for being my saviour that day! You rock the world!)

Honey knew that it was pretty late and we shouldn't go to the beach.
Add the fact that a storm was coming. The sky was filled with
dark clouds.
Yet he made no effort to stop me,
because he knew I've been wanting to go to the beach for ages.
Thanks honey, you're always the best.
Fortunately, it didn't rain till we were at the bus stop waiting to get back to white sands.
So yes, we escaped being caught in the rain. Phew.. *wipes sweat*
Coffee Club @ White Sands for a quick dinner.
Carbonara for him, Zucchini and chicken baked rice for me.
Then it was time to head home...
My apologies, this is a lousy and cranky entry.
I can't help it since I was suppose to be sleeping in bed 54 minutes ago.
My eyes are drooping shut already...
But I'm making an effort to finish up this entry before sleeping.
So give me a little credit! (:
Now, its bedtime for me... *Yawns*
Why are there revision lectures during the holiday?
Screw school...