the dreaded day.


i dont wanna face these horrible exams yet.
i might have been getting ready for these dreaded exams since June Holiday.
but somehow,
i still cant help but worry.
damn! the stress is really getting to me this time.
*takes a deep breath*
cant wait to get over with all these crappy exams.
and whats after the crappy exams?!
the BIGGGGGG one.
which is even worst.

who ever made the decision of students having to take exams?! *grumbles*
yes yes yes.
i too, can see the advantages of having an exam.
but neither am i blind to the disadvantages!
disadvantages such as failing the exam which leads to sadness then depression and perhaps suicide?
what am i thinking?!

i think i've napped one too long just now.
slept from 3pm to bout 7pm?
a full 4 hours.
probably some of you might say that the 4 hours was wasted away,
but for moi,
its so worth it!
at least i aint that lethargic anymore.
and definitely,
those sickening factors for social studies would be able to get into my head.

somehow, someway, sometime,
i've got to get a little time out later to do the 2007 'O' Level A Math paper 1.
yeah, i've started on it already.
but i've yet to complete it. (oops! ><) well, hasnt that been the case for many of the school papers that Mr Ngoh has given? completed the paper 1 but not the paper 2. i sure am picky about the questions :P hohohohohoho. i still detest sketching graphs as usual. so practicising on sketching them is a out of the question. questions that beat around the bush is what i simply cannot tolerate. they bore me out seriously.
man.. i'm one weird kid. that is for sure!

okay. i had better sign out now.
need to get bathing and then start mugging.
probably might not have time to call my deardear later...
but i know that he wont mind, right...? :D
as understanding as ever, thats one of his qualities.
which is another reason why i simply cant help loving him.
better stop or he is gonna start nagging again....

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