Picture says it all. I'm sick. Like very sick. I think I look even worst than the girl in the picture!
There is this crazy virus going round the whole family. It first started with my dad, then my grandmother, then I'm next, then my mother and now my sister. I think that in this whole family, the only person who wouldn't catch this crazy bug is my grandfather. He is so fit!! He eata more than the required portion of vegetables everyday and the fruits.. it's like ohmygoodness amount. He eats so much papaya, like 2 slices everyday? No wonder he has such nice legs. Yeah, I'm so jealous of my grandfather's legs, they are like the dream legs that every girl wants. Every girl would kill to have them. Well, I could have them too I guess, but the thing is, I just don't have that affinity with papayas. *rolls eyes*
Random picture of half of my paternal family:

Random picture of half of my paternal family:
I'm forced to go school tomorrow because I have to go with the girls to finish buying Wan's birthday present. I have no idea how many more presents they are gonna get. Furthermore, the venue of where we are going to celebrate her birthday has yet to be finalized! East Coast is out due to the oil spill, Universal Studios is a no-no too because it is too costly for 2 girls in my clique. Then where to next?! I'm killing so many of my brain cells just by thinking of an appropriate venue. And its not like I haven't lost enough brain cells from the high fever which I'm going through right now. Double hip-hip-hooray for me, I'm becoming stupid.
Ha, I just woke my sister up just by blowing my nose. Sorry sister, but you are stuck with me for about another week or so. We are moving into our new house soon, and I know you'll miss my presence in your room greatly once we have moved. You'll miss sharing a room with me, I just know it. Appreciate the annoying presence of your sister while you still can! It is almost like a once-in-a-lifetime kinda thing! Although we've shared a room plenty of times, like I slept in the same room as you when I was 6 (Chased out of my parents' room, they forbade me to sleep in their room anymore saying I was a big girl already) to about 12 (I didn't want to share a same room with her anymore because I thought I was big enough to have a room of my own)?
The new house looks great. Well, it should since the house went through a total revamp, major construction works took place. Once the final touches are completed, and the furnitures have gotten in, I'll take some pictures and show you peeps the before and after appearance of the house. Its like garbage dump to a place you can REALLY call home. I have yet to decide on the curtains in my room, roller-blinds or curtains? And with the amount of clothes I own now, I think my closet is gonna be a little.. squeezed.
I shall see if I can get my hands on a new bag tomorrow, but my choices are pretty limited thanks to my shrunken wallet. My beloved white INK bag is beyond usage anymore and the white ESPRIT bag I'm currently using is driving me insane, it keeps tossing my things around in the bag, giving me great discomfort when carrying the bag. I saw this mad gorgeous white RIPCURL bag but its price just made me turn and walk away immediately. I think I'm highly capable of finding something affordable and price-worthy. But time is one matter which has to be taken into consideration. I'm in a desperate need of a proper bag and when a girl gets desperate, who actually cares so much about money huh. Well, actually the price still matters a whole bunch to me because when I see something even more gorgeous and it is being sold at a cheaper price, I would wish for a dagger to appear right infront of me so that I can stab my own heart.
Ok, enough for now. Bedtime for me. Xoxo.
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