I hate it when the world turns into a quiet place.

I hate it when the world turns quiet because my thoughts consume me, our past floods my mind, the happy days we spent together. Where did all of them go to....?

I never wanted forever to be over. I wanted forever to last. I wanted forever to go on for ever and ever. Do you know that I'm still updating my private blog? The password is still the same. I dare not change it, for fear that one day when you finally remember about its existence, it'll still be there - available for you to see. Also, do you remember our last promise? I guess that is part of the reason why that private blog is still being kept alive. I'm struggling to hold onto our last promise, but I think I might be losing my grasp on it soon. Inside that private blog, it contains my deepest thoughts, my deepest emotions and all the words which I could never summon out of my mouth. I'm close to reaching a 100 days already. Time flies, doesn't it?

This is probably the last place that you'll ever think of coming to. And so, that private blog is definitely out of the picture, I doubt it's even in the frame. I guess that is all I have to say.

I hate it when the world turns into a quiet place.

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