
Life: Love, Work, Money & FUN!

Alright, i agree.
i'm one of the lucky few,
who are offered a job right at the beginning of the holidays.
whats more. i've got a brilliant job.
i'm paid fabulously well, & i get to be with my love.
besides all that,
working for my dad means that i get flexible working hours.
me & hon get to take a break at least once a week.
well.. that depends on whether we want to take that break or not.
anyway, we took a break this thursday.
and this.. was what we did for the whole day..

we went to Woodlands Regional Library,
to teach one of my mom's client's daughter, Felicia,
Mathematics (me teaching) & Science (hon teaching).

then we went down to the East,
to have lunch,
to meet Genevieve,
& to watch Madagascar 2!

for lunch! SWENSENS!
the mega burger hon had for lunch.
its gigantic!

& thats pretty much what we did for the whole day.

the overall conclusion we had for the day was:
never to go to the East ever again, unless neccessary!

Gen, be honoured!
you're a neccessity! *laughs*

Reason #1
we dont fit in the surroundings of the East.

Reason #2
we felt like a complete extras there.

Reason #3
there aint much choices of food to pick from.

Reason #4
its so far away!

Reason #5
we simply dont want to.

crappy reasons they are, indeed.

other photos that we took within the week.

my mom at work

an unglam picture of me taken by hon. (thanks alot hon..)

apple strudel that i bought from Strudel House & brought over to hon's house to eat. we had it for desert after our dinner!

how could i possibly miss out on taking a picture of my hot boyfriend?!

please do not be deceived! this is fake gold.
looks rather real isnt it?
well.. thats precisely the reason why i took a picture of it,
& posted it up!

alright people.
thats a wrap!
thats all for today! :D

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