Au Revoir..

Can you believe it..? its the last day of SCHOOL...

this is directed mainly to graduating students.
its our last day in a secondary school.
its the last day of our secondary school life.
no matter how much we want, we'd never be able to pursue that kind of life ever again.
for now, just think. what you've gone through for the past 4 years.
without a single warning, time flies.
you led a hectic life for 4 bloody years.
yes, perhaps you can let out a big sigh of relief.
but think again. you will never get a chance to lead that life again.
among all the hectic, havent you had your share of fun and laughter?
enjoyable moments with your friends, classmates and teachers?
moments that you'll never forget.. memories that you'll keep for life.

yesterday, on my way home with SinHui, down the staircase..
i saw Pearl..
i bid her byebye then feigned that i didnt hear her bidding farewell to me.
she, as per usual, went into her dramatic character.
she rushed down the staircase with her arms still full of the guides cookies tins.
requested SinHui to help hold them for a moment.
and poof! she embraced me really tightly, reluctant to let go.
i must admit, it really was rather embarrassing since she did that at the foyer,
with a whole bunch of people looking. or should i say staring.
ah well.. embarrassing though it was.. it really was touching of her to do that.
i am still gonna see her for the next 4 weeks.
and perhaps, even much later on in life.
but i get why she is doing that. its the last day of our days together in Secondary school.
i bonded with Pearl through Guides.
the crazy days that we went through together. all the madness and laughter.
the silly things that we did. the crappy stuff that we said. the nonsensical stuff that we looked at.
all of it.. was really memorable.
they are parts and portions of life that i dont wanna ever forget.
i dont know about her. but i dont wanna ever lose contact with her.
she is one of the best girlfriend that i've ever had.
being there for me when i'm at the downest moments of my life.
going through them with me. she understood me perfectly well.
she saw through all the pseudo-smiles and saw the real me. the me crying deep within my heart.
i never had much of an opportunity to thank her,
for all the wonderful memories that she has given me.
so right here, right now.
i wanna say this to her..

Pearlie, thanks. For everything. For every single thing. I LOVE YOU GIRL!

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