okay. i've perservered till so far.
been getting stressed by the exams for hell knows how long.
and i know, so have almost everybody else.
no offence but, examinations really sucks.
yes, i am like everybody else. i have a prejudice against examinations.
i do see the benefits, but oh well..
as a student. i see more of the cons.
and i am boring you and me out with all these examination talks so NEXT.
so that means..
a full moon! mooncakes! lanterns! candles! FIRE!!
though i'm still having my prelims,
how could i simply reject my grandmother's invitation to go downstairs,
have a walk around the park, light some candles and to play with fire. hohohoho!
she dug out birthday candles for me to play with. (awwwww!)
so we went downstairs, had a little stroll and i began my little area of fun.
made a heart-shape out with the candles.
ordinary, yes i know that.
but the sense of satisfaction after the completion of the lighting,
its beyond words of description.
whats more. its lit by moi. and that fact makes it extraodinary!
my big aunt wanted the family to celebrate the mid-autumn festival as a whole.
so she used MY name and organized a candle-lighting party.
those living in the vicinity (which is almost like everyone?) came to the party.
this time, i lit my name.
and i'm even more pleased with it.
i mean, come on... this is like MY NAME? super extraordinarily unique.
okay. perhaps i've exaggerated it a little but, you get my point.
Avon kor lit the sparklers that my big aunt dug out from the store room
(they [the sparklers] are like dont know how many years old. >< ),
and threw them up a tree.
its really dangerous i know,
what with all the fire hazards and stuff.
but its really quite a pretty sight.
doing sth dangerous once in awhile isnt much of a harm isnt it?
:DDD the thrill is what marks the enjoyment of life.
my little aunt did a BIGGG heart.
even bigger than the one i did the previous night.
its pretty, yes i agree.
but there is one big problem. the candles kept blowing out.
so, you light one part of the heart,
proceed onto the next and here comes the wind (WHOOOSH!)
and there goes a few of your candles. they get blown out.
my little aunt then executed a SAVE THE HEART operation.
everyone gathered around the heart and kept lighting it.
kind of hilarious if you think of it.
there were so many hands around the heart,
and everyone kept getting burned.
ah but at least everyone had fun.
there's only photos from the first night.
because my sister took photos with a camera that she borrowed from a friend.
and apparently, her friend passed her everything she needed (charger and etc.)
all except the adaptor.
oh well, i just got to wait till the adaptor is here before the photos can get uploaded.
oh yeah! LEXUS! that includes Ah-Ma's birthday party photos! sorry!!
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