ive got to keep moving on.

im not alone. no more.

i just want to address an issue first.
gosh.. looking at it simply.. i dont know how to put this.
i just.. am not use to looking at photos of me in my specs.
anyway. since its up already. and im far too lazy to take it down.
i'll just leave it there...

it sucks knowing that there's someone else other than me in there.
i know.. that someone has been there for such a long time.
and it takes time to get that someone out.
i understand that you cant help remembering about that certain someone,
whenever something that you've done with her happens again.
im not blaming you for reminiscing your past.
because i too, do that at times.
isnt that how we learn from our mistakes?
isnt that how we manage to muster up the courage and strength to continue moving on?
i get it. i really do.
as sensitive as you are to my moods and feelings, so am i.
the slightest difference in the tone you're using to speak with me,
and i'll know something is wrong.
well, i must admit that im glad you would always try to hide it,
so as to not hurt my feelings. and that you always confess once i ask whats wrong.
whats more.
you're so sweet to always call and ensure me that everything is going to be just fine.
hearing your voice always soothes my feelings out.
its a wonder why i can never get mad at you.
actually, im beginning to wonder if thats a good point or a bad point.
being unable to get mad at you.. means..
i'll never get the chance to make you feel bad!
aww.. damn! there goes another opportunity to bully you. =x
yeah yeah. i know what you're thinking in your mind right now.
"damn that girlfriend of mine! she's so mean!"
well.. sad for you.
the pot is calling the kettle black!
neither are you any better. and.. i got that mean-ess from you.
one too many similarites twin brother (:
well.. the good point of being unable to get mad at you...
it'll be really hard for us to get into an argument.
because we always end up laughing for who knows what reason.
or should i say smiling?
man.. i should really hold a smiling competition with you some time,
and see who can smile the longest at the stupidest things of all.
i doubt neither of us are bound to win though.
hmm.. i think you know the reason why..

ah.. i was feeling so down just now.
and well.. being able to express my thoughts by typing really feels great.
bah.. time to get back to work.
im so screwed. ><

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