The ASUS ZenFone 2 Laser is a high value, low cost product with features comparable to high-end smartphones! The ZenFone 2 Laser promises long-lasting battery life (with removable battery) and it has also got to be the slimmest phone that I have ever held in my hands!
Sure, this ZenFone 2 Laser isn't as slim as their newest ASUS ZenFone Zoom but it is still an impressive 3.9mm wide ONLY!
The ZenFone 2 Laser is equipped with Corning ® Gorilla® Glass 4; brilliant for clumsy people like myself who drop their phone on an average of 5 times per day (oops)! This ZenFone is also a recipient of the IF Design Award for its sleek and ergonomic design that makes grasping it easy and comfortable.
I am no tech-pro so I'm not going to run through the technical specifications of this phone, but because what I do with my phone is to text, surf the web and snap pictures, I will be sharing about the Zenfone 2 Laser's 13MP PixelMaster camera with its f/2.0-aperture lens that promises to "capture stunning, high-resolution photos with zero shutter lag".
Here are 10 pictures that I have taken with a selected few of the photography functions available in the ASUS ZenFone 2 Laser 5.5-Inch (ZE550KL):
#1| Laser Auto-Focus

Have you had to jumped a gazillion times just to get a good jump shot? Well guess what, I only had to jump ONCE for the ASUS ZenFone 2 Laser.
ZenFone 2 Laser's rear camera is equipped with laser auto-focus technology (which is the best auto-focus in smartphones) for its users to snap pictures with the fastest possible clarity. The new feature greatly reduces blurring and enhances image stabilisation — goodbye woes of shaky hands!
The laser beam measures distances at lightning speed and that means near-instant focus that is as fast as 0.2 seconds, especially in dim light conditions. The laser auto-focus even accelerates close-ups photography, compensating for the extra distance creating by the lens receding during framing.
#2| All About The High Definition and Image Resolution

First we had the high definition pictures, then videos, cameras, televisions and now on our smartphones too! It is all about capturing the smallest details, such as the acne on my back in the photo above.
The PixelMaster backlight (Super HDR) mode automatically captures multiple shots of the scene in the viewfinder and processes the images using ASUS Pixel Enhancing technology. This expands the dynamic range by 4 times to give the final picture up to 400% more brightness.
Along with improved colour contrast and detail so as to ensure the photos captured in any scene with strong back-lighting would look absolutely natural and gorgeous (like me!).
#3| Be Gone Low-Light Woes

I always find it a pain-in-the-ass when photos are captured in a dark setting, because 1) the colours of the scene are not portrayed in the image; 2) the noise level of the photo can cause deafness; 3) editing the photos is like having to kiss your nemesis.
So imagine my greatest pleasure when I knew that the ASUS ZenFone 2 Laser offered a "Low Light" mode that enhances noise reduction and boosts colour contrast by up to 400% for clear and bright low-light shots with NO flash needed.
Through a combination of pixel-merging technology (which joins four adjacent pixels to form a new pixel) and advanced image-processing algorithms, Low Light mode also increases light sensitivity levels by up to 400%!!!
#4| Impressive Depth-Of-Field

We all like the aperture-heavy photos, where the object in question is clear in focus, and everything else blurs away in the background. To produce such photos would usually require a DSLR but hey, that is out of most people's budget range right? Plus it is a heavy equipment to lug around ALL the time!
The ASUS Zenfone 2 Laser has an in-built function that allows the user to capture pictures with a depth-of-field effect. This effect is usually more prominent for close-up shots, like food photos!
#5| Look 'Naturally' Beautiful

We have beautifying apps like "mei tu xiu xiu (美图秀秀)" or PhotoWonder to make our faces slimmer and our eyes bigger... but the problem with these apps is that they can distort the background of your photo which would then make it obvious to everyone else that your photoshopping skills SUCK.
So, ASUS has ported over the beautification technology from their ASUS ZenFone Selfie into the ASUS ZenFone 2 Laser, so you are able to take fast, clear and 'naturally' gorgeous selfies.
In case you have never heard about ASUS' beautification function, the in-built mode allows customisation of up to 5 different features: "blush effect", "skin softening", "skin brightening", "eye enhancement" and "cheeks thinning".
These effects are applied before taking the picture, and so you can see the difference live-in-action and adjust the various settings accordingly!
#6| Create GIF Without Apps

There is so much more character in these images and it is like a video without any sound — well actually, that is what GIFs are!
However the thing about GIF is the amount of trouble required to produce it! You gotta film a video, download a converter app, upload the video, crop the video length, adjust the frame count, blah blah blah... It is a lot of work to be done for ONE GIF.
Well that was the trouble that I had to undergo in the past, but not anymore all thanks to the ASUS ZenFone 2 Laser. The GIF Animation mode captures the scene by burst shots (max. 30 frames) and puts it together immediately to create the GIF.
Creating GIF images is as easy as abc now, and I have a whole gallery full to boast about!
#7| Photo-No-Bomb
I recently went to Macau on a media trip for Sheraton Grand Hotel and they organised a half day tour for us to visit the landmarks of the city. One of the iconic spots was the "Ruins of St. Paul" and there. were. so. many. other. tourists!!!!
It was a huge challenge getting an instagram-worthy photo; I kinda wished that I was hermione from Harry Potter and with the wave of my wand, all the tourists would vanish into thin air! Poof!
Anyway my point is that when I wished that I had brought along the ASUS ZenFone 2 Laser because it would have came in real handy. It is able to auto-detect the unwanted subject in the background and have it removed! Here are some cool screenshots of photos that I took with the "smart remove" function.

Like the ASUS ZenFone 2 Laser?
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Note: This post is sponsored by ASUS and The Influencer Network.
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