be off with the offensive remarks!

be off with the offensive remarks!

what you are about to read aint going to be anything nice.
you might prefer to skip reading this post.

whats with all the offensive remarks.
who the heck do you think you are?!
you aint even fit to give me those offensive comments.
what did i even do to you?
for simply no exact reasons at all,
you would just shoot with me all those comments.
was i even talking to you in the first place?
absolutely not right?
and for goodness sake. ARE YOU BLIND?
its clear enough that my body language says..
"shut the f up. no one needs your goddamn it comments."
and what did you do?
you still continue shooting me with your insufferable comments.
im tolerating your imbecile attitude now.
but be warned.
even my tolerance level has it limitations.
cross the line and i swear i'll make you regret seriously.
i've yet to shoot you back with any words yet.
so you better be pleased.
and if you have the most basic common sense of all.
change your fking attitude.
judge your own character before judging others.
you should be glad enough that i've kept your identity anonymous throughout this whole entire post.

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